Recently Updated Pages
Generate keys and disable password login
On client ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/share_key
docker-compose.yml services: tailscale-$SOMETHING: image: tailscale/tailscale:latest ...
Mounting a directory over the newtork as a chrooted user
Create a new system user that will be restricted to SSHFS mounting. sudo adduser sshfsuser --she...
Create a macvlan network set to the adequate adapter (in our case br0) docker network create -d ...
Host network setup
To use the host with anything other then docker (like libvrtd, vmware or similar) the networks ne...
Setting up public IP
Setting up public IP after provisioning the instance select the created instance on the bott...
Provisioning an instance
Like every browser control panel in the world this one is awful so good luck!Find and select "ins...
Creating an account use a private Chrome or Edge tab (signup is messy, Firefox is ...
- Restore partition table (sda-pt.sf is in backup dir) sudo sfdisk /dev/sda < sda-pt.sf
Add to Proxmox after installation
add repos add ubuntu server iso under local ...
#copy all audio into h264 mp4 video with static image (useful for playing back audio with video p...
Change paths
from django.db.models import F, Valuefrom django.db.models.functions import Replacefrom your_app....
WireGuard and lsyncd to sync a directory.
install wireguard apt install wireguard / pacman install wireguard-toolsgenerate keypairswg genk...
Setup webdav
fstab /mnt/webdav davfs user,rw,uid=$username,auto 0 0sudo nano /etc/da...
nginx settings
For uploads (in server directive) client_max_body_size 5G; client_body_timeout 300s; sen...
Django notes
Migration from event applications to art-applications for gunicorn to work it needs to have ho...
SUDA FIrst flashing:
Fotografije radne faze serverskog eseja
MediaLAB group joyfully invites you to be a part of the First Flashing of their computer ...
O manifestima i serverima
SUDA je akronim za Sustainable Digital Art odnosno održivu digitalnu umjetnost, a proizlazi iz dj...