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MediaLAB group

joyfully invites you to be a part of the First Flashing

of their computer


on Wednesday, Dec 14th 2022

at 6 o'clock in the evening

Online on

We are liberating our computer by replacing the software that’s used to run its system before the operating system loads. This computer will start a new life and evolve to become a work of art in the future.

Witness this joyous occasion live and stick around for an introduction to Libreboot, Coreboot and the answer to why anyone would want to do a thing like that to a computer. The event is facilitated by Vedran Gligo, Format C artist organization production coordinator and chief administrator of the SUDA project.

MediaLAB grupa

s radošću Vas poziva da budete dio Prvog Flashanja

njihovog računala


u srijedu, 14. prosinca 2022.

u 18h

online na

Oslobađamo svoje računalo zamjenom softvera koji upravlja sustavom prije učitavanja operativnog sustava. Ovo je početak novog života koje će u budućnosti postati umjetničko djelo.

Budite svjedoci ovom radosnom događaju, a poslije ostanite na predavanju s uvodom u Libreboot, Coreboot te ponuđenim odgovorima na pitanje zašto bi itko to želio napraviti svom računalu. Program vodi Vedran Gligo, produkcijski koordinator umjetničke organizacije Format C i glavni administrator SUDA projekta.