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convert -strip flat-old.tif new-layered.tif
Setting up paswordless SSH login
Client side This is the command used to generate a keypair, be sure to use a strong password when it prompts for it: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "anything" This will generate two files: the .pub file is the public key (this is OK to share with anyone), the oth...
Create screenshots of PDF from list of files
Use attached script - requires CutyCapt installed- takes newline delimited list of urls as input file (first argument)- to output other formats change the CutyCapt line for different tiles extensions and resolutions (default is 1920px x 1080px png)-...
Testiranje solarnih kapaciteta digitalne umjetnosti
AUDIUM, odnosno "Autonomna {digitalna | mrežna} umjetnost" već imenom razotkriva temeljni fokus projekta propitivanja autonomije digitalne, mrežno posredovane, umjetnosti. U potrazi za potencijalom neovisnosti digitalnog umjetničkog izražavanja, u pitanje su d...
Digitalni alati
Bilješke o alatima za stvaranje i umjetničku re/dekonstrukciju digitalne pokretne i statične slike - CLI | alati terminalskog sučelja | skriptni alati. CLI Terminalsko sučelje (Command Line Interface / Command Line Interpreter / Command Line Input) - račun...
Testiranje energetskih uvjeta servera - zaključak
Mali solarni sustavi dostupni su i održivi izvori energije za prikaz digitalne mrežne umjetnosti. Sustavi su modularni te je moguće kombinirati razne baterije i panele prema potrebi. Uz namjenske solarne baterije, koje su većih dimenzija i težine (55Ah baterij...
Popis opreme
Raspberry Pi računalo (3B+ i Zero W)Ovo je popularno računalo smješteno na jednu ploču (SoC - system on a chip). Omjer performansi, kapaciteta skladištenja i memorije i cijene čine ga idealnim izborom za ovakvo testiranje zbog, u usporedbi s osobnim računalima...
Postavljanje mobilnog servera
Reference relevantnih projekata
# cat tag url 001 interni: #naše 002 interni: #naše 003 interni: #naše 004 popularni: ...
(WiP) Reference:
long video
1. optimize source loop ffmpeg -i w.mp4 -f lavfi -i color=gray:s=1920x1080 -f lavfi -i color=black:s=1920x1080 -f lavfi -i color=white:s=1920x1080 -preset veryslow -crf 51 -filter_complex threshold w-bwt_vslow_crf51.mp4 2. concatenate loop for f in *.mp4 ; ...
Building an arch / parabola custom live iso
0) Read this from start to finish without trying anything Templates for building isos are in /usr/share/parabolaiso/configs/ 1) Copy config to build_directory cp -r /usr/share/parabolaiso/configs/releng build_dire...
Trisquel based Suda
**Note - this is not complete yet and is in the process of being edited.This note will be removed when I consider this to be finished and complete** What is this ? Caveats and parameters - all work on this and the subsequent Gnuinos versions of Suda ar...
(script to run on the online and offline suda which calls a vim window and constantly writes the manifesto to it) * Note this script is a modification of Vedran Gligos' original script as installed on the online version of Suda which opens a vim session in an...
Trisquel .ctwmrc
(This is the basic configuration file used for menus and functionality in ctwm, this version differs slightly from the online version to add extra functionality via features to connect to networks ( nm-connection-manager) and a few modifications to the basic s...
Concepts and scripts.
Before talking about and outlining the scripts and what they do and how they are enacted within the live iso based versions of Suda its necessary to ask what Suda does and why. The operating system itself starts and goes through its usual boot routine but the...
mogrify -format png -background none *.svg <3
Jailkit and jails - Jailing a user
(Creating a chroot jail for security purposes) Running a public-facing computer like suda (on the internet or physical) requires puting the public user in "jail", making it run in "kiosk mode". We are basically whitelisting what a specific user can do, limiti...
Runninng novnc and x11vnc as systemd services
For security reasons it's best practice not to run any services as the root user. There are two services we need to run as two separate users. One is the noVNC service that runs noVNC and serves web content. To do this we need to enable non-root users to open...
crop to portions ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "crop=720:320:0:320" -c:a copy out-1.mp4 ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "crop=720:320:320:640" -c:a copy out-2.mp4 ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "crop=720:320:640:960" -c:a copy out-3.mp4 ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "cro...