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MAPS PureData

- make a directory for pd libraries in the home directory

mkdir -p $HOME/.local/lib

- unzip pd libraries to the newly created dir

unzip -q $HOME/suda-git/art/maps/ -d $HOME/.local/lib

- copy pd and MAPS scripts and config files to their places

cp -r $HOME/suda-git/art/maps/ $HOME/

cp $HOME/suda-git/config/.pdsettings $HOME/.pdsettings

- use sed to setup PD users, passwords and IPs to the Icecast server

sed -i "s/user/$USER/g" $HOME/.pdsettings

- get the local ip by issuing the route command to the FSF ( and store it in the ip variable

ip=$(ip -o route get to | sed -n 's/.*src \([0-9.]\+\).*/\1/p')

- use sed to setup the URL to icecast stream, the icecast user and passwords that PureData needs to connect

sed -i "s/changeme/http:\/\/$ip:8080/g" $HOME/suda-git/noVNC-1.3.0/index.html

sed -i "s/hackme/$secret/g" $HOME/maps/MAPS.pd

sed -i "s/changeme/$ip/g" $HOME/maps/MAPS.pd

Everything is configured for local (ethernet) use. 

- output the secret string and save it to a safe place for later - it's only needed if setting up tunneling

echo $secret

Reboot and open your suda IP in a browser to test if everything works.