List of Software
This is not a definitive list. Free software is installed by package managers which manage dependencies automatically so a lot of other supporting software gets installed in the process. Some software is installed but not elaborated upon for the same reason.
certbot - a tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server
ctwm - an X11 Window Manager - we like it because it's old school
ffmpeg - multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created, used for many effects
git - distributed version control system - used to fetch all the config files / scripts from the SUDA git repository
icecast - streaming media (audio/video) server, used as part of MAPS to stream generated audio to the browser
lxdm - a lightweight display manager for the LXDE desktop environment - used to start desktop sessions, has a nice glitch to exploit
lxterminal - another Linux terminal emulator, this one coming from lxde desktop (do we really need two?)
noVNC - the open source VNC client - used to remotely control computers from the browser
pd - PureData - an open source visual programming environment - used to generate audio from clicks as part of MAPS
python - a versatile programming language that can be used for anything - in suda it's used to run noVNC
rathole - a secure, stable and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust - we use it to expose our computer to the internet
systemd - a Linux initialization system and service manager - used and despized by many, we use it to autostart our scripts and automate the startup process - it's used by the system to boot the system and all requred services
sed - a stream editor - a stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream - used to automate parts of the install procedure
vim - one of many libre text editors, you either love it or hate it - we use it to write the contents of the manifesto on the screen
xdotool - command-line X11 automation tool - used to automate writing of the manifesto
xterm - one of many Linux terminal emulators
X11 (xorg, XFree86, X) - a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems, forked from many different projects and forked again using and reusing code over the years - that's why it has many names
x11vnc - a VNC server - used to remotely connect to GUI computers