Installing Packages
- update apt package list
sudo apt update
- install software
sudo apt install ctwm ffmpeg git icecast2 lxdm lxterminal pd psmisc python3 python3-evdev python3-tk python3-xlib unifont unzip vim wget x11vnc xdotool xterm
- if running Trisquel (as it should be) there is no access to some software packages which are deemed non-free or which open the door to non-free software - in this case this is pip (package name python3-pip) - the python package manager which we need to install pynput which is used to record clicks for MAPS
- download and install it manually by getting a deb package and installing it manually with dpkg - this is for some reason on the fsf servers but not included in Trisquel repos (free software is weird)
wget -O $HOME/python3-pynput_1.7.5-1_all.deb
- install it
sudo dpkg -i $HOME/python3-pynput_1.7.5-1_all.deb
- if running a non-free distribution (like Debian or Ubuntu), install pip and use it to install pynput
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip install pynput