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Configuration, scripts, systemd or init scripts

- clone the git repo which holds config files and scripts - this command will put all files in the repo in a subdirectory called suda-git in the users home directory ($HOME))

git clone $HOME/suda-git

- copy ctwm.desktop session file to /usr/share/xsessions/ so that lxdm (display manager) knows that it exists

sudo cp $HOME/suda-git/config/ctwm.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/

- copy .ctwmrc config file to home dir

cp $HOME/suda-git/config/.ctwmrc $HOME/

- copy the lxdm configuration file default.conf to /etc/lxdm

sudo cp $HOME/suda-git/config/default.conf /etc/lxdm/default.conf

- copy the art scripts to /usr/local/bin and make them executable...

sudo cp $HOME/suda-git/scripts/*.sh /usr/local/bin/

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/*.sh

- copy PostLogin script for autostart

sudo cp $HOME/suda-git/config/PostLogin /etc/lxdm/