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Jailkit and jails - Jailing a user on suda

This is a basic guide to the approach that we took to creating a chroot jail on Parabola Linux ie a kiosk mode . Why do this? Its essentially a way of limiting the amount of harm a person with malicious intent could do given that suda's public facing online side is, when running, accessible to all. So we have to limit what can be run on it ie no compilers , no su, no sudo in other words to try to limit the functions of a user to the basics without compromising the look and feel of what suda has become. If you find errors in this document please point them out.

Jailing a user on suda using jailkit

Primary sources

Secondary sources


The basic guide followed was this one

So to begin with download Jailkit from the website of the maintainer here

Extract that and do the usual ./configure , make and sudo make install.

Next create a none privileged user - sudo useradd guest

and a password for that user - sudo passwd guest.

Before moving the user to jail or running the jailkit scripts its easier to  go into the guest account as that user and add in the basic scripts for suda and the ctwmrc configuration for ctwm.

Now for the fun bit .

Create a jail - Sudo mkdir /home/jail

and then do this

sudo chown root:root /home/jail

Then populate the jail with the basic things the user will use - remembering that a chroot jail is a little like a virtual machine so whatever we want the user to be able to use must be accessible within the jail.

so we do this

sudo jk_init -v /home/jail netutils basicshell jk_lsh

(note no ssh etc)

Now we jail our user

sudo jk_jailuser -m -j /home/jail/ guest

And then copy the bash libraries to the jail -

sudo jk_cp -v -f /home/jail /bin/bash

Then edit /home/jail/etc/passwd so that this line:


Looks like this


The advantage of using jailkit over other methods is that when we use the commands to copy over binaries and things we need it copies over all the dependencies so we don’t have to go hunting through the file system for them.

Next we have to add the extra sauce to make everything we want to run run - so we do this

sudo jk_cp -v -j /home/jail/ /usr/bin/xsetroot xfontsel xdotool xdg-settings xclock vim script ffmpeg ffplay ffprobe xterm lxterminal xloadimage scrot xwininfo xxd

This creates copies of those binaries within the jail environment for our user to use.

To get x to run correctly we need the xdg folder and the X11 folder to the /etc/ of the jail as well.

To copy those over do this:

sudo jk_cp -v -j /home/jail/ /etc/xdg

sudo jk_cp -v -j /home/jail/ /etc/X11

and we will also have to create a locale configuration (and a keyboard configuration) otherwise it defaults to c locale can stop certain things running correctly.

so do sudo touch /home/jail/etc/vconsole.conf


sudo touch /home/jail/etc/locale.conf


sudo nano /home/jail/etc/locale.conf

and add in the locale you want , in my case its

en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8

and then sudo nano /home/jail/etc/vconsole.conf

and add in this line or for the keymap you want


And that's the jail pretty much set up .

What was found was that to run certain scripts, like sudacam 1 and 2 and the later mantissacam1 and 2  scripts that were added later on the original scripts had to be altered , for instance in the case of it originally read


lxterminal --geometry=17x18+0+3 -e 'ffplay -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -framerate 10 -video_size 640x480 -i :0.0'

(which launches an lxterminal within which the command runs and thus the pipe/ffplay window) 

It was found that to avoid calling an lxterminal or xterm and the script crashing out or not starting due to other dependencies not being present within the jail environment or hitting the 'get_pty:not enough ptys' error (which for reference is talked about here changing the script to this

ffplay -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -framerate 10 -video_size 640x480 -i :0.0

Worked equally well as it did as originally implemented. The manifesto script needed no changes nor did the glitchify script.