Operating systems
Gnuinos non-systemd based Suda
Gnuinos based Suda. (Building a non-systemd based version of Suda which runs as a live distribut...
Parabola based Suda
Building an arch / parabola custom live iso
0) Read this from start to finish without trying anything https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/arch...
Packages used
Runninng novnc and x11vnc as systemd services
For security reasons it's best practice not to run any services as the root user. There are two s...
Jailkit and jails - Jailing a user
(Creating a chroot jail for security purposes) Running a public-facing computer like suda (on th...
Trisquel based Suda
Building stand alone shareable,live and installable versions of Suda using Debian or ubuntu based...
Trisquel based Suda
**Note - this is not complete yet and is in the process of being edited.This note will be removed...
(script to run on the online and offline suda which calls a vim window and constantly writes the ...
Trisquel .ctwmrc
(This is the basic configuration file used for menus and functionality in ctwm, this version diff...