Commands Cheatsheet
Start VNC
x11vnc -shared -forever -noxdamage -localhost -noxrecord -nopw -many -loop -display :0
Start noVNC (with ssl)
novnc --listen 443 --cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/ --key /etc/letsencrypt/live/
renew Let's encrypt certificate
certbot certonly --standalone -d
Enabling low level ports for a particular process
setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/bin/novnc
Adding a restricted user
#add user
useradd -m $USERNAME
#Create the script named /usr/local/bin/rbash that contains the following:
/bin/bash --restricted
#Make it executable
chmod +r /usr/local/bin/rbash
#add /usr/local/bin/rbash to /etch/shells
#Change shell to the restricted shell
chsh -s "/usr/local/bin/rbash" suda