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Mouse Audio Process Streaming
Scenario interaction mouse/audio
Hugo Baranger aka HV$VH & Alexandre Sune aka Mr_H4l3x
#1 The general idea:
On a computer, sound is generated in association with the mouse 'click' event.
Click is the trace of the human interaction with the machine.
If we can record in a database all the clicks done on a specific computer we can produce
an history of the human interactions.
This database of interactions is used to generate an audio composition.
#2 How to do that:
A/ Capture each "click" events, and record it in a database.
The record would be formated like this:
ID | DAY | MONTH | YEAR | Hour | Minute | second | positionX | position Y
To capture each "click" we can use Xbindkey, XDOTOOL and a bash script associated.
The datas are recorded in a SQL database with the same script.
B/ Generate audio.
The database is dumped in a file,
and each line of the file is interpreted by a PureData Patch to produce audio synthesis.
At the end of the file the database is dumped and the content of the file is replaced
by a new and fresh one.
This will run forever.
C/ Stream the audio composition in realtime.
The computer will run has a webserver and use icecast2 to perform Live Streaming.
The Puredata Patch will use the element "MP3cast~" from the Library "Unauthorized"
to connect audio of the Computer to the Listening Port of Icecast2.
#3 the project is divided in 3 Blocs.
Bloc #1 capture mouse event and record it
Bloc #2 interprete recorded event to produce audio content
Bloc #3 Stream it Live Baby!