#!/bin/bash #requires CutyCapt installed #takes newline delimited list of urls as input file (first argument) #to output other formats change line 10 for different tiles extensions and resolutions (default is 1920px x 1080px png) #CutyCapt is bad at outputting PDFs, to output a proper PDF with imagemagic add --pdf after the input file (not before) i=`wc -l $1 | cut --characters=-2`; i=($i+1); echo "Getting $i websites..."; cat $1 | while read line; do let "i-=1"; CutyCapt --insecure --url=$line --out=`printf "%02d\n" $i`-`awk -F/ '{print $3}' <<<$line`.png --min-width=1920 --min-height=1080; done if [ "$2" == "--pdf" ]; then echo "PDF option selected, merging into PDF..."; convert *.png press.pdf fi